After 3 Episodes Based on the popular Japanese manga that began in January 2002, Bleach is the newest shonen anime to come out.Kurosaki Ichigo is a fifteen year old high school freshman who can see ghosts.But one day, an evil spirit, called a Hollow, finds its way to town. Shinigami (God of Death) Kuchiki Rukia, a girl plagued with the task of vanquishing evil spirits.Ichigo finds himself in the middle of the Shinigami/Hollow battle. Rukia soon is injured and transfer some of her powers to him.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Bleach - 110,111 & 112

Bleach 112

It seemed like they skimped a little bit on the art here and there, but I couldn’t tell if it was for comedic effect or not. In the end it doesn’t really matter because the story has completely opened up, and I can’t help but love it. The story now has so many different possibilities (yeah yeah, manga readers know all) in which it can turn, and I have no idea what to expect. I do know, however, that this is a cyclical storyline so we’re probably going to get some sort of rescue mission somewhere.

She looks like a fuckin’ hollow @_@

Not really sure why, but this scene cracked me up. It was pretty straight forward Bleach humor but DAMN Chizuru is one crazy bitch. I know some lesbians are manly, but this is like a whole new level, she’s a hollow. Yeah, that’s right. A hollowly lesbian. I would have also enjoyed it if she glomped Orihime one last time before the end of the episode, but alas, I did not get to witness ginormous boobs being fondled.

Bleach 111

I kind of wish that they included a little more plot to this episode, and a little less “omg lets run from the Grand Fisher.” I did however, enjoy the little spurts of “real” storyline that we got at the beginning and the end. Any time we have an appearance of the three bounto hunters modified souls, we have a filler portion of the series, and I have a sneaking suspicion that they’ll be worked into the plot a lot more from here on out. They may not be strong or all that useful, but they do create a short amount of comic relief.

I felt that the artwork was a little off, and the episode didn’t flow as well as the last one, ALTHOUGH it did manage to keep some suspense the entirety of the show. I didn’t once lose interest, even though Kon and the gang ended up running around half the time. But still, knowing that there was a possibilty for candid fatherly love, I was 100% focused on what was happening, and was anxiously awaiting the next scene.

Basically nothing happened except at the beginning, and the end (like I mentioned above). Below, I have two screen caps that pretty much sum up the episode via subtitles and what’s happening in the picture:

  • Ishida’s dad basically told him that he was lying to him for hella days and that even though being a quincy wasn’t profitable it didn’t mean he wasn’t still a quincy. Yeah, fuck you dad for not believing in Ishida and turning him into the pansy he is now. I mean, c’mon he sews for fun. Only my grandma does that. (lol the subbers used “henceforth” below)
  • Ichigo’s dad makes a “surprise appearance” and shows us a glimpse of his power. We have no idea how or where he got his power, nor do we know his background. Personally, I got a bit of the tingles when he showed up because I’ve been waiting for this to happen forever. I was spoiled nearly 2 months ago but wasn’t told how we found out or anything. I’m glad that he got revenge for his wife, that apparently Ichigo failed to accomplish.
Bleach 110

This episode excited me to no end. The first couple minutes were composed of everyday slice of life, but once Shinji showed up, things started to move rather fast. I noticed quite a large decrease in animation quality for certain scenes, but as a whole it wasn’t that bad. I can already tell that the writing quality is much higher, and the flow of the episode was 100x better than all the fillers combined

Looks like the cat dragged in some nasty garbage aka Grand Fisher reborn

At first, I thought I was watching a Hollow birth itself from a random egg in some well in whosville, but it turned out to be an old friend! Only this time, he seems to have acquired some epic loot, and has probably hit the max level. If you don’t remember who Grand Fisher is, he was the one who killed Ichigo’s mother and then later tried to kill Ichigo (unsuccessfully of course). Well, he’s back and chasing Kon, whom he thinks is Ichigo. This could get pretty dirty, but Kon should be able to ditch pretty fast with his uber mirco.

I knew this guy was kinky, but weapons and a mask too?

Can Shinji get any weirder? Like seriously? I dig his confidence, and I don’t mind his voice despite everyone else mentioning how much it fails. He reminds me a little bit of One Piece bad guys, except he’s not dancing around in a tuu-tuu doing swan kicks, soo…basically he’s a Bleach bad guy. Wow, unlimited deduction works right there. What the hell? Apparently this guy likes doing things backwards, and looks like a Gin clone with that mouth and smile. Honestly, I’m surprised he revealed himself so quickly, but I guess he can since he’s got friends, and he’s also uber powerful.

Some important things to note, which I kind of forgot through the fillers and whatnot:

  • Vaizards = strong
  • Soulreaper + hollow powers = strong
  • Ichigo is basically a Vaizard
  • This is a shounen series and stronger bad guys will always appear

Bleach - 107,108 & 109

Bleach 109

*hums The Boys are Back in Town* So the fillers are finally over with this episode, and there’s a noticeable improvement in the quality of the show. Maybe I was distracted by the shitty plot of the fillers, but I really appreciated the artwork and the acting abilities of the VAs. Or…maybe I’ve just been watching too much Cartoon Network and I should go /wrists now.

Kon kicks ass

Speaking of VAs, Kon’s VA kicks major ass, as does Kon. His excitement and worrisome nature feel believable, even when coming from a stuffed animal. I really never appreciated Kon’s character until this short scene. When he’s not getting beat on or saying stupid shit, his personality can be rather amusing. I’ve always preferred higher quality comedy than slapstick, so maybe that’s why I’m suddenly realizing this.

Got Carrots?

So we’re introduced to a new character. If you feel like being spoiled, just head over to Danny’s entry and he’ll probably give you enough information to last you until next week. As for me, I figure he’s probably got some special powers otherwise he wouldn’t be jumping on telephone poles, and the wouldn’t have shown him to us. Yeah, check out my excellent powers of deduction. *dusts self off*

Bleach 108

Well we finally have the semi-conclusion of the fillers, and as expected, it was a pretty shitty ending. I’m not going to even begin to pick out all the problems with this episode, but Danny will in a rather Retsgip-esque fashion.

I’m rather disappointed in the fact that only one character got some sort of development. Rukia, who was barely in the fillers, had a rather large revelation this episode. She realized that Ichigo was in pain because of his constant limbo between both the real world and the Soul Society. It seems that he can’t find his niche in either worlds, which would make him seem extremely lonely. Rukia gets the character development award of the bleach fillers.

Bleach 107

So this episode was alright, but I was extremely put off by the huge flashback/recap of the bounto past (for the 100th time). Even I noticed the filler-esque ups and downs of the artwork. What the hell? I felt like NHK took over the animation for this episode. Ichigo’s animation was all over the place, and it seemed like his limbs weren’t really attached to the rest of his body with the way he moved. I don’t know, this is a filler episode, but they can at least try to do a good job.

Ichigo doesn’t know the word overkill

Don’t get me wrong, I thought the action in this episode was exciting in a way. Ichigo basically went nuts for the first few minutes of the episode, which was interesting in of itself. The artwork kinda of helped portray this, but still I thought it was a little off. Ichigo looked extremely skinny at times, with weird parts being accented like his wrists or his knuckles. I dunno, but enough about the artwork. The action was someone interesting, and it basically saved the episode. I desired a little more crazy moves from Ichigo, but I can see they’re going to add more distractions in the next few episodes, so they didn’t want to lay all their cards down this episode.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Bleach - 104,105 & 106

Bleach 106

This was one of the better episodes I a long while, and I’m not really sure why. Maybe it’s because we finally got decent action, or maybe because we finally got a real look at Kariya’s past. Uh, maybe it’s BOTH?!?? Whatever they did, they made this episode way more enjoyable than the others.

Someone’s in loooooooove

Let me just say that shota-Karyia is such a little babe magnet. “If I was female…” (I’ve been saying this a lot lately, oh crap) I’d be pinching his cheeks and hugging him so tight he’d be turning blue. Seriously though, what the hell happened to him?! I mean, I’ve heard it said that “power changes a man” but this is ridiculous. I’m wondering if the Bounto power source is actually controlling him, and once Ichigo breaks that, he’ll revert back to his innocent self. Too bad he’ll probably be disintegrating while this happens. Sorry Kariya, you’re still going to hell.

Bleach 105

Not as bad as I had expected from this episode. When episode 104 ended, I wasn’t sure how they were going to keep up the suspense without some action. Already the plot has started to get a little shaky and I was worried, but they managed to keep my interest so I was proud. As I always say, a little bit of back story through flashbacks never hurt if they were used correctly, and I think they did an okay job this episode. BUT next episode looks like more flashbacks of Kariya’s past, and that’s just not cool. Overusing flashbacks can be dangerous business.

I wanna first say that Ishida is a little baby. I don’t see him having a purpose and goals which he’s actively pursuing. What I see is a stubborn child who thinks he’s helping by trying to throw his life away. I don’t know if that’s what the writers were trying to portray or not, but that’s what it looks like to me. Although, I believe he might have saved Ran Tao at the end of this episode because he was so stubborn. So maybe it’s not such a bad thing, but I still see it as a poor way to write his character.

Bleach 104

I was strangely unimpressed by the route that this episode took. I was expecting a lot more from the story than this, but I guess I was basing my speculations on the quality of the non-filler arc. I guess I effectively owned myself.

Besides the plot taking a turn towards the predictable, the action of this episode bored me to death as well. It was cool seeing a new bankai, but the fight was soooo fucking boring. God damn. I ended up turning on the television to watch an old Bond movie on Spike to find my source of entertainment. Once again, we see the faults of introducing a type of badguy that uses “dolls” to fight their battles for them. It makes the battles boring as fuck! Kariya’s battles are cool because his doll is like an extension of himself, rather than an uber strong pokemon.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Bleach Cosplay #2

this is the new cosplay i added for this week and you can see 4 bleach character that always shown in the manga and anime.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Bleach - 101,102 & 103

Yet another Sailor Ishida episode of Bleach! Once again, I’m gonna say it: Ishida is such a little pansy that I can’t even stand watching him anymore. His fight wasn’t exciting at all. Why? Because he stood still for 15 minutes of the episode and shot arrows at Yoshii. At one point I remember begging her to just kill him already so we could move on with the story, but I knew that wasn’t going to happen.

I feel very underwhelmed by the fights in the filler arc. They just don’t have the same feeling or passion like they used to back in the “rescue Rukia” arc. I guess a possible reason for this could be that Ichigo and crew don’t really have a huge motivation to save the Soul Society. Sure it could fuck up the balance of the world and Hollows might take over, but that’s OBVIOUSLY insignificant in comparison to a friend being executed for no reason. Also, choosing to put yourself in the situation (rescue arc) versus being thrown into the situation (filler arc) might also be a reason. Whatever the cause, it’s really taking a dump on my expectations for the series.

Bleach 102

I’ll give this episode a decent score because they’re finally picking up the quality as well as the entertainment. I already expected this to happen as we got closer and closer to the final fight, but in all honesty I’m disappointed in where this is going. On the other hand, I’m curious as to how they’re going to resolve everything in an acceptable manner.

As things stand, Kariya has removed himself from the fight, and that’s just retarded. If they can figure out some way to nullify the crest or whatever the hell he put inside of his body, then he can finally fight. I’m curious as to who is going to be involved in the final match up. I have a hard time believing that it will be a 1 v 1 battle between Ichigo and Kariya, but instead maybe a 2v2 or 2 v 1 (since Kariya got uber stronger). Should be interesting.

Bleach 101

Although I wasn’t pleased with this particular fight/episode, I’m still relatively satisfied with how this Bleach filler arc is progressing. We get to see most of the captains in action (even if the fights are lame) and the overall suspense of the situation is still high. Each episode has a goal and a purpose, which keeps my attention WAY better than the damn Naruto fillers which seem to be all over the place. This episode’s feature: Captain Mayuri vs. Bounto Sawatari(and Baura).

Bleach-97, 98 & 100

Soi Fon powers up into emo-mode to defeat Mabashi the clown

Wow, episode 100. It seems like I picked this up only yesterday, back in the days when I was desperate for something more than Naruto or Yakitate Japan. I remember watching the first episode and enjoying the semi-dark nature (nothing compared to D.Gray-man or Death Note), which I soon learned wasn’t very dark at all. But still, to have kept me watching for 100 episodes without fail is pretty impressive. *applause*

As for the future, I doesn’t really concern me since I don’t read the manga, which means I don’t really have a problem with the fillers in terms of where the plot is headed. What I do have a problem with the quality of the plot and the quality of the episodes in general. Hopefully they ended as soon as possible in order to get on with the main plot. I can only deal with these up-down types situations for so long (e.g., bad episode->good episode->bad->good, etc.).

Bleach 98

Clash! Zaraki Kenpachi vs. Ichinose Maki

Not only am I a HUGE fan of Zaraki Kenpachi, but I’m also a fan of semi-touching stories. Episode 98 delivered both in a relatively painless and rather enjoyable fashion. Finally, we get a good episode.

Well, I wouldn’t say it was worth the wait because we had to wait for what felt like ages. But I will say that the fight lived up to my expectations, and I’m happy they got to show Zaraki Kenpachi and his awesomeness. I’m a Kenpachi fanboy so my view of this episode could be skewed! But that’s your problem!

First of all, there is a new OP and ED. I didn’t really like the songs of either of them, though I did like the artwork. All the characters were dressed differently in the OP, like in black and white, and it was a lot darker than usual. I half expected them to be playing instruments for some reason, like some scene out of Beck or Nana. Oh well, I won’t be watching the OP/ED after this episode so I guess it doesn’t really matter.

Bleach 97

This episode was snoringly boring. Though, what I did enjoy was the high quality of the art which lasted throughout the entirety of the episode. Basically there was just more story/plot development and it wasn’t done very efficiently or in any sort of speedy manner. I’m guessing they wanted to give Kenpachi’s fight its own episode.

I don’t know why I didn’t enjoy this episode that much, but it just didn’t seem to go anywhere. Sure the Bounto are finally starting to move, but they’re just moving; they haven’t started fighting yet. Even so, I was amazed with the quality of this episode and latched onto that aspect as I re-watched for anything important I might have missed.

Friday, June 8, 2007

Bleach - 95 & 96


This was a pretty boring week, and sadly, Bleach was no exception. There was a small amount of action but I knew nobody was gonna die or be defeated, so I kind of lost interest, thus losing interest in the episode.

By the way, doesn’t Kariya have some pretty crazy eyebrows? I just now noticed that they curve up at the ends. I remember the announcer in Gladiator liked to curl his eyebrows, so maybe it’s some sort of symbolism of wealth in the old days??? Perhaps, there is no relevance at all, and I’m talking out of my ass…hmm.


This was exactly the type of episode I’ve been waiting for since the beginning of the damn fillers. My only problem with this episode was the way the fighting was drawn, but other than that I was happy.

There isn’t much to say about this episode other than Byakuya is a hot mama, and Kariya is damn strong. I’m a pretty big Byakuya fan so I had a ball with this episode, but I cut down my screenshot amount since they would have just taken up space.

This was a pretty nice shot right here. I love how Byakuya slowly slides behind Kariya after his shunpo, it’s very artistic. In fact, I found this whole episode to be full of beautiful shots which I don’t really do justice at all.

Bleach - 93 & 94


Bleach is finally winding down on this arc. The next few episodes will be fighting, or at least I’m hoping for as much. Even though not much really happened this episode, it was a nice doorway for what’s to come next episode: Byakuya vs. Kariya. Oh yeah, and a shoutout to Kon, for introducing us to such a nice young lady with his booby-dance.

This episode seemed more like a weak attempt at humor at the beginning of what seems might be a crazy war…Bad timing? I think so. We haven’t really even gotten serious yet, why would they need to lighten the mood? Well, in any case, pieces are starting to fall into place and the fighting is starting.


Well, at least the episodes are finally getting started. I’m not a huge fan of Rukia but this episode goes out to all those Rukia lovers. God knows she needed some quality screen time. Not a bad episode in general, but I want more pwnage!

I’ve always wondered why Rukia was so special this whole time, because she’s basically been helpless since the first episode. I guess I see a little bit of why in this episode, especially since she seems to do so well against a bounto without a Zanpakuto. She seems to have incredible control over her spirit energy, which is cool, but not my favorite style of fighting. Honestly, I’d rather see Ichigo zip around at light speed or something than see all this magic spirit stuffs. To each his own. I still really enjoyed Rukia’s fight and thought there were some pretty exciting scenes. One thing that drove me nuts though, was how Ririn was bouncing around making all those squeeking noises in a the middle of an awesome fight. It really ruined the whole atmosphere.

Bleach - 92

bleach92-4.jpgbleach - 92 - Enter the World of the Shinigami, Again

Not as exciting as I hoped it to be, but hopefully they’ve got all the plot developed so they can get to all the juicy action that is BOUND to happen. Please don’t let me down.Once again, the spirit world is being invaded and the captains etc. have to rise up and fight the intruders. Oh the joy! Oh the originality!

Short summary of this episode in as little words as possible:

  1. Ichigo gets beat up
  2. Ichigo gets his bankai powers back
  3. Ishida shows up and ruins everything
  4. Everyone’s happy and decides to chase the bounto through the portal, together

Bleach - 91

Bleach almost gets back on track with cool fights and aw–wait…wait no. It still sucks. I give it way too much credit than it deserves, partially because it’s become a classic in my book, and I love the classics.

Lets face it, this arc will never compare to the first 1-60 episodes. At least this episode was reasonably entertaining, partially because there’s more than 2 minutes of fighting, shrug.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Bleach Cosplay#1

this the main character cosplay of kurosaki ichigo and kuchiki rukia. are they look cool
in their cosplay. i hope you enjoy.......
Technorati Profile

Bleach Cosplay

Captain,Vice Captain Cosplay and other character. The great thing about Bleach characters I think is the versatility that comes with the shinigami uniform. ...

Monday, June 4, 2007

bleach wallpaper

bleach wallpaper

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Zanpakutou Guide: #2

Ryuujin Jakka
Yamamoto Genryuusai - Captain of the 1st Division
First Shi-Kai: Chapter 155, vol 018
First Ban-Kai: Never

Shi-Kai: Ryuujin Jakka
- release command: "Banshou Issai Kaijin To Nase!" ("Ashes To Ashes, Dust To Dust!")
Oldest and strongest heat based zanpakutou. It's fire can burn anything in the soul world.

Ban-Kai: Unknown

(Divine Spear)
Ichimaru Gin - Captain of the 3rd Division
First Shi-Kai: Chapter 075, vol. 009
First Ban-Kai: Never

Normal: Shorter than most zanpakutous. Resembles a wakizashi

Shi-Kai: Shinsou (Divine Spear)
- release command: "Ikorose!" ("Shoot To Death!")
Shinsou extends and shoots towards the enemy like a bullet and cuts them.

Ban-Kai: Unknown

Unohana Retsu - Captain of the 4th Division
First Shi-Kai: Chapter 154, vol. 018
First Ban-Kai: Never

Shi-Kai: Minatzuki
- release command unknown
A giant manta ray type creature that emerges from the hilt of Unohana's zanpakutou. The inside of its stomach has healing abilities.

Ban-Kai: Unknown

Komamura Genryuusai - Captain of the 7th Division
First Shi-Kai: Chapter 139, vol. 016
First Ban-Kai: Chapter 148, vol. 017

Shi-Kai: Unknown

Ban-Kai: Kokujoutengenmyouou
An armoured giant appears.

(Great Red Ice Ring)

Hitsugaya Toushirou - Captain of 10h Division
First Shi-Kai: Chapter 132, vol. 017
First Ban-Kai: Chapter 170, vol. 019,

Shi-Kai: Hyourinmaru (Ice Ring)
- release command: "Souten ni Zase!" ("Soar In The Frozen Sky!")
Creates a dragon of water and ice formed by spiritual energy, it can even control the weather. The pressure from Hyourinmaru's water attack is so fierce that it peels the ememies flesh from their bones.

Ban-Kai: Dai Guren Hyourin Maru (Great Red Ice Ring)

(Sparrow Hornet)
Soi Fong< - Captain of the 2nd Division
First Shi-Kai: Chapter 157, vol. 018
First Ban-Kai: Never

Shi-Kai: Suzumebachi (Sparrow Hornet)
- release command: "Jinteki Syakusetsu!"
SoiFong's zanpakutou transforms into a glove with a needle going down her finger. Suzumebachi's ability is called nigeki kessatsu 'dead in two steps' its first attack will leave a death stamp called houmonka 'hornet's crest' on the targets body if the second attack hits the same spot the target will die.

Ban-Kai: Unknown

(Pure Insect)

Tousen Kaname - Captain of the 9th Division
First Shi-Kai: Chapter 126, vol. 015
First Ban-Kai: Chapter 146, vol. 17

Shi-Kai: Suzumushi (Pure Insect)
- release command: "Nake!" ("Sing!")

Ban-Kai: Enmakoorogi (Cricket Demon Of Darkness)
Creates a number of rings that surrounds the enemy and forms a dome of darkness that takes away your spiritual sense, your sight, your hearing and your sense of smell. The only person who can escape is the one holding Suzumushi.

Katen Kyoukotsu
(Flower Sky, Crazy Bones)
Kyouraku Shunsui - Captain of the 8th Division
First Shi-Kai: Chapter 156, vol. 018
First Ban-Kai: Never

Shi-Kai: Katen Kyoukotsu
- release command: "Hana Kaze Midarete Kashin Haki Tenpuu Midarete Tenma Warau" ("Flowers Fall In The Wind, The God Of Flower Weeps The Winds Of Heaven Are Falling Buddah's Laughing")
Shunsui's twin zanpakutou take the shape of arabian swords

Ban-Kai: Unknown

Sougyo No Kotowari
Ukitate Jyuushirou - Captain of the 13th Division
First Shi-Kai: Chapter 156, vol. 018
First Ban-Kai: Never

Shi-Kai: Sougyo No Kotowari
- release command: "Namie Kotogotoku Wa Ga Tate To Nare Ikazuchi Kotogotoku Wa Ga Yaiba To Nare" ("Every Wave Become My Shield, Every Lightning Become My Sword")
Jyuushirou's zanpakutou splits into two swords with hooks emerging from the center.

Ban-Kai: Unknown

Kira Izuru - Vice-captain of the 3rd Division
First Shi-Kai: Chapter 101, vol. 12
First Ban-Kai: Never

Shi-Kai: Wabisuke (Apologise)
- release command: "Omote wo Agero!" ("Show Your Face!")
Kira's zapakutou transforms so it has a hook like appearance. Increases the weight of anything it touches, each hit will double the weight.

Ban-Kai: None

(Flying Plum)
Hinamori Momo - Vice-captain of the 5th Division
First Shi-Kai: Chapter 101, vol. 12
First Ban-Kai: Never

Shi-Kai: Tobiume (Flying Plum)
- release command: "Hajike!" ("Snap!")
Creates orbs of spirit power and send them flying towards the enemy.

Ban-Kai: None

Hai Neko
(Ash Cat)
Matsumoto Rangiku - Vice-captain of 10th Division
First Shi-Kai: Chapter 169, vol. 020
First Ban-Kai: Never

Shi-Kai: Hai Neko (Ash Cat)
- release command: "Roar!"

Ban-Kai: None
Vice-captain of the 1st Division
First Shi-Kai: Chapter 152, vol. 018
First Ban-Kai: Never

Shi-Kai: Gonryoumaru
- release command: "Pierce Him!"

Ban-Kai: None

Oomaeda Marechiyo- Vice-captain of the 2nd Division
First Shi-Kai: Chapter 152, vol. 018
First Ban-Kai: Never

Shi-Kai: Gegetsuburi
- release command: "Smash Him Into Bits!"

Ban-Kai: None

(Frozen Cloud)
Kotetsu Isane- Vice-captain of the 4th Division
First Shi-Kai: Chapter 152, vol. 018
First Ban-Kai: Never

Shi-Kai: Itegumo (Frozen Cloud)
- release command: "Hashire!" ("Dash!")

Ban-Kai: None

Iba Tetsuzaemon- Vice-captain of the 7th Division
First Shi-Kai: Chapter 160, vol. 019
First Ban-Kai: Never

Shi-Kai: ???? You only see a couple images of it when he's fighting Ikkaku and there poor images also

Ban-Kai: None

Kyouka Suigetsu
(Mirror Flower Water Moon)
Aizen Sousuke- Captain of the 5th Division
First Shi-Kai: ????...been using it for quite some time!
First Ban-Kai: Never

Shi-Kai: Kyouka Suigetsu (Mirror Flower Water Moon)
- release command unknown
Aizen's zanpakutou controls all of the five senses and is able to show the enemy a different size, shape, weight, feeling, and smell of any object or situation. The condition required to enable its ability is to show the enemy the movement of Kyo Suigetsu's awakening from then on they will be under complete hypnosis.

Ban-Kai: Unknown

(Reverse Swirl)
Shiba Kaien- Vice-captain of 13th Division *Dead*
First Shi-Kai: Chapter 135, vol. 017
First Ban-Kai: Never

Shi-Kai: Nejibana (Reverse Swirl)

Ban-Kai: None

Zaraki Kenpachi- Captain of 11th Division
First Shi-Kai: Never
First Ban-Kai: Never

Shi-Kai: None

Ban-Kai: None