After 3 Episodes Based on the popular Japanese manga that began in January 2002, Bleach is the newest shonen anime to come out.Kurosaki Ichigo is a fifteen year old high school freshman who can see ghosts.But one day, an evil spirit, called a Hollow, finds its way to town. Shinigami (God of Death) Kuchiki Rukia, a girl plagued with the task of vanquishing evil spirits.Ichigo finds himself in the middle of the Shinigami/Hollow battle. Rukia soon is injured and transfer some of her powers to him.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Bleach - 110,111 & 112

Bleach 112

It seemed like they skimped a little bit on the art here and there, but I couldn’t tell if it was for comedic effect or not. In the end it doesn’t really matter because the story has completely opened up, and I can’t help but love it. The story now has so many different possibilities (yeah yeah, manga readers know all) in which it can turn, and I have no idea what to expect. I do know, however, that this is a cyclical storyline so we’re probably going to get some sort of rescue mission somewhere.

She looks like a fuckin’ hollow @_@

Not really sure why, but this scene cracked me up. It was pretty straight forward Bleach humor but DAMN Chizuru is one crazy bitch. I know some lesbians are manly, but this is like a whole new level, she’s a hollow. Yeah, that’s right. A hollowly lesbian. I would have also enjoyed it if she glomped Orihime one last time before the end of the episode, but alas, I did not get to witness ginormous boobs being fondled.

Bleach 111

I kind of wish that they included a little more plot to this episode, and a little less “omg lets run from the Grand Fisher.” I did however, enjoy the little spurts of “real” storyline that we got at the beginning and the end. Any time we have an appearance of the three bounto hunters modified souls, we have a filler portion of the series, and I have a sneaking suspicion that they’ll be worked into the plot a lot more from here on out. They may not be strong or all that useful, but they do create a short amount of comic relief.

I felt that the artwork was a little off, and the episode didn’t flow as well as the last one, ALTHOUGH it did manage to keep some suspense the entirety of the show. I didn’t once lose interest, even though Kon and the gang ended up running around half the time. But still, knowing that there was a possibilty for candid fatherly love, I was 100% focused on what was happening, and was anxiously awaiting the next scene.

Basically nothing happened except at the beginning, and the end (like I mentioned above). Below, I have two screen caps that pretty much sum up the episode via subtitles and what’s happening in the picture:

  • Ishida’s dad basically told him that he was lying to him for hella days and that even though being a quincy wasn’t profitable it didn’t mean he wasn’t still a quincy. Yeah, fuck you dad for not believing in Ishida and turning him into the pansy he is now. I mean, c’mon he sews for fun. Only my grandma does that. (lol the subbers used “henceforth” below)
  • Ichigo’s dad makes a “surprise appearance” and shows us a glimpse of his power. We have no idea how or where he got his power, nor do we know his background. Personally, I got a bit of the tingles when he showed up because I’ve been waiting for this to happen forever. I was spoiled nearly 2 months ago but wasn’t told how we found out or anything. I’m glad that he got revenge for his wife, that apparently Ichigo failed to accomplish.
Bleach 110

This episode excited me to no end. The first couple minutes were composed of everyday slice of life, but once Shinji showed up, things started to move rather fast. I noticed quite a large decrease in animation quality for certain scenes, but as a whole it wasn’t that bad. I can already tell that the writing quality is much higher, and the flow of the episode was 100x better than all the fillers combined

Looks like the cat dragged in some nasty garbage aka Grand Fisher reborn

At first, I thought I was watching a Hollow birth itself from a random egg in some well in whosville, but it turned out to be an old friend! Only this time, he seems to have acquired some epic loot, and has probably hit the max level. If you don’t remember who Grand Fisher is, he was the one who killed Ichigo’s mother and then later tried to kill Ichigo (unsuccessfully of course). Well, he’s back and chasing Kon, whom he thinks is Ichigo. This could get pretty dirty, but Kon should be able to ditch pretty fast with his uber mirco.

I knew this guy was kinky, but weapons and a mask too?

Can Shinji get any weirder? Like seriously? I dig his confidence, and I don’t mind his voice despite everyone else mentioning how much it fails. He reminds me a little bit of One Piece bad guys, except he’s not dancing around in a tuu-tuu doing swan kicks, soo…basically he’s a Bleach bad guy. Wow, unlimited deduction works right there. What the hell? Apparently this guy likes doing things backwards, and looks like a Gin clone with that mouth and smile. Honestly, I’m surprised he revealed himself so quickly, but I guess he can since he’s got friends, and he’s also uber powerful.

Some important things to note, which I kind of forgot through the fillers and whatnot:

  • Vaizards = strong
  • Soulreaper + hollow powers = strong
  • Ichigo is basically a Vaizard
  • This is a shounen series and stronger bad guys will always appear

1 Comment:

Anonymous said...

hehe ;-P~