After 3 Episodes Based on the popular Japanese manga that began in January 2002, Bleach is the newest shonen anime to come out.Kurosaki Ichigo is a fifteen year old high school freshman who can see ghosts.But one day, an evil spirit, called a Hollow, finds its way to town. Shinigami (God of Death) Kuchiki Rukia, a girl plagued with the task of vanquishing evil spirits.Ichigo finds himself in the middle of the Shinigami/Hollow battle. Rukia soon is injured and transfer some of her powers to him.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

bleach news

This weeks Bleach episode will be coming out Tomorrow (Wednesday). Bleach Anime episode 139 entitled "Ichigo vs. Grimmjow, the 11-second battle" will be the first great action episode in some time. It appears this episode, just like the manga chapters, will be crammed full of fighting. Be sure to tell all your friends of this amazing episode coming out.